In terms of an anytime fix, it really helped during college during those late nights wrapping up projects. The flavor is pretty good, with a strong coffee taste but with enough milk that it won't overwhelm your taste buds or anything you might be snacking on. If you can find some at your local Asian import store, they're really good if paired with cookies or just about anything sweet. However, do not attempt to drink this with chips because it seems to react really horribly with anything salty. The one thing we found disappointing is the awful aftertaste that follows upon finishing a can. Upon finishing my first can I started to get a really bitter aftertaste which I had to promptly flush away with a good mouthwash rinse.
So UCC Coffee is a decent Japanese iced coffee, definitely the friendliest option for people who don't like the taste of straight coffee. Give it a shot, the price isn't too bad from looking around at online sources($1.50 a can was the minimum).